The Parish of St Cuthbert with St Aidan, Durham

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Welcome to our Parish!

Our parish has two churches and serves North End, Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me.  We are part of a team that includes Newton Hall, Witton Gilbert, Langley Park, Esh and Kimblesworth and our clergy work and pray together. Follow the links on the Menu to see what's happening and for recent news.


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Ten ideas for the Keeping of Lent by Stephen Cherry

2018 Annual Parochial Church Meeting 7pm Monday 23rd April Community Room St. Cuthbert’s

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This will be for the election of churchwardens and members of the Parochial Church Council, to elect representative to the Deanery Synod, and to receive reports for 2017. It is also an opportunity for any member of the congregation to raise any question about our life and work together,
You can download the APCM Report by clicking on the link below.

Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's this Sunday at 11am

Come and Praise   An informal service of Holy Communion - click for full size image
On this Sunday know as Candlemas, we gather all ages together to look back and  look forwards, as we hear about the faithful example of "Old Simeon & Anna"

Songs of Praise

Join us for "Songs of Praise at ST AIDAN'S CHURCH  . Sunday 26th at 4pm followed by refreshments . (Note this service will be held at St Aidan's NOT St Cuthbert's as  the weekly sheet indicates.)

Celebrating St Cuthbert

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St Cuthbert’s and St Aidan’s are holding a joint service next Sunday the 24th of March . Come and join us as we celebrate St Cuthbert all together 10am @ St Cuthbert’s Church.

Find us on Facebook

Click on the links below to find our two churches on Facebook.

Finding St. Cuthbert's

St. Cuthbert's is near the Garden House Pub across from County Hall. There is a layby for parking to the east of the church on Framwellgate Peth (the A691) opposite the entrance to the DLI car park. Parking is also available on North Road at the west end of the church. Parking is charged 8am to 6pm every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays. For SatNav use the post code DH1 4NH.


Finding St. Aidan's

St. Aidan's church is on Front Street Framwellgate Moor behind the parish hall and opposite the working men's club. Free parking is available between the parish hall and the church. There is also free parking available either side of the parish hall, behind the Community Centre and by the children's play area. For Sat Nav use DH1 5BL



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Invitation to prayer.
Click on the picture for a larger version.
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