The Parish of St Cuthbert with St Aidan, Durham

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Lindisfarne Gospels in Durham - An Illustrated Talk - 17th November 2012

Join us for an informative and entertaining evening

Notices and Prayers 4th November 2012

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The week ahead at St Cuthbert with St Aidan

Clergy Rota

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Services in all our churches

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (BCP)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (CW)

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (all age)

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's (BCP)

Notices & Prayers 23rd December 2012

 - click for full size image
This week at St Cuthbert with St Aidan

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meet in The Community Room

CHRIST THE KING click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's  (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)

ADVENT SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at ST Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

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